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We are here to help you feel at home. Finish up the look of your place with our handcrafted decorations.

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Floral Arrangement in Glass Vessel 

To start designing a glass vessel, fill the vase with a base medium such as oasis brick wrapped by clear plastic. You also want to add glass pebbles at the bottom before you add the base medium then add pebbles at side of the container to hide the foundation medium. You also want to have your foundation medium is properly cut at the sides so that you have sufficient area when you are inserting your materials on the process. Additionally you want to have a base medium greater than the rim of the container so that you can work with a dome form arrangement easily.

Once set-up you can now get your florist scissors and add greenery by inserting the stems just you can on the edge of the container completely covering the base.

Next step, you can begin filling up your vessel with Geraldton wax with clean stem randomly to create the dome form that you want. Final step will be adding mini gerberas by starting on the centre and spreading out the remaining flowers to make it completely symmetrical. Now you have a beautiful centerpiece that you can use to any occasions.

Urban Eden is the best source of decorative vases in Australia.

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